Meeting began at 4:00PM
Nicole Zorn
Pete Wautlet
Paul Veldhouse
Kerry Swanson
Jason Cobb
Joe Mauthe
Jon Thorngate
Board Members Absent
Jesse Adams
Minutes from previous meeting were reviewed. Kerry motioned for approval. Paul seconded.
Policy Proposals
Jon Thorngate Presented the 5 policies in the agenda, and explained that having these policies on-record was good practice, and should be considered.
The Non-Discrimination Policy was tabled for future discussion.
Financial Controls Policy for 1000 Generations
Joe Mauthe made a motion to approve. Kerry seconded. Approved Unanimously.
Joe motioned, Kerry seconded. Unanimously approved.
Pete motioned, Joe seconded. Unanimously approved.
Kerry motioned for approval. Pete seconded. Unanimously approved.
After some discussion, there was agreement that this budget should be considered provisional, and could be updated to reflect changes in the coming months.
Joe motioned, Kerry seconded.
- Unanimously Approved
Other Discussion Items
Nicole gave an update on the statewide model, and some ideas for staffing it moving into the coming year. After some feedback, Jon agreed to bring a draft of an org chart to the next meeting.
Nicole gave an update on our relationship with the National office, and how there might be some potential for an updated Memorandum of Understanding that would shift the Wisconsin team from employment at the National office to being employees of 1000 Generations. There’s some homework to do on insurance and liability, but ultimately the consensus was that this has the potential to be a very positive change.
Meeting adjourned at 5:58pm.