4:01 PM - Steve called meeting to order, and welcomed new board member Kerry Swanson. Introductions followed.
4:15- minutes were presented and unanimously approved.
4:16 - To Do’s were reviewed.
4:17 - Nicole presented the director’s report.
4:30 - bylaws accepted as proposed - Steve motioned, Casey seconded. Approved unanimously.
4:35- Jon presented authorized signer policy. Casey made a motion to approve. Jason seconded. approved unanimously.
4:40- Jon presented the finance committee resolution. Casey motioned for approval. Steve seconded. Approved unanimously.
4:45- Jason Cobb presented the reserve funds policy. Casey motioned to approve, Kerry seconded. The policy was passed unanimously.
4:55- Jon presented the budget. After discussion, Jason motioned to approve the budget. Pete seconded. Unanimous approval.
5:15 - Jon presented an update on the statewide structure.
5:35 - Nicole gave positive update on her role shift with the alliance.
5:45 - Steve presented Nicole’s evaluation
6:00 - Meeting was adjourned.