Meeting Minutes (Open Session)
- Discussion regarding the new strategic planning model and the factors that are passed down from National.
- Meeting cadence: (see Meeting Cadence notes)
Volunteer Engagement Bucket: We desire to adapt strategy and look at how we engage volunteers/churches.
3 year plan on specifically how we engage with Churches. We currently feel more like a Para-church organization rather than Partnering platform.
Pastors to Pastors….pastors selling safe families on each other (Steve handler said it doesn’t work in Kenosha due to churches who want to work on specific ministries and have already chosen them.
Possibly stipend a role in a low income church community
Kate and Jen talk about how each church is different and engaging them looks different.
How do we present so that we disappear and the church increases.
Jason: Get to the volunteer first and then
Oscar: Do we have a 1-pager for churches as a “sales pitch” ie: Parent Cafe’s, SP trainings,
Paul: Can we engage Christian schools in order to get into churches.
We need more volunteers and keep them supported.
Leadership and Development Boards is an advisory board except for the Chair (Jon showed the Local Development Board job description) We want this board before we generate the actual chapter. There is a chair of that board. The LDB meets 8 times a year with an initial 2-year commitment. The Chair sits on the Governing Board and the DOD is on the LDB. Perhaps the Chair is in charge of making sure the reporting is up to the LDB standard.
FAQ: who hires a new director? What are the legal ramifications of being a part of this board? We need to clarify the archetype of who we want on the development board…think sales team
Paul asked to have a ramp up period before the two year commitment.
Meetings will be Open and/closed with prayer
Kate: Can we have a template that DOD’s need to get to their LDB before a meeting.
LDB need to be engaged in the community
Amy: Is this a proven model or is this a trial? Nicole said it’s proven to need a local board but its
Closed Session