- Nomination
Existing development board members (including Development Director) can nominate new board members.
- Interview
- If the Board Chair cannot make the meeting, a replacement from the board can be chosen.
- This interview process should be focused on ensuring that the candidate has a thorough understanding of
- The Mission, Vision, and Work of Safe Families of Children of WI
- The Expectations of the Role They’re Being Asked to Serve In
Once nominated, the Development Director and outgoing Development Board chair (or appointed replacement) will interview the nominated candidate.
- Onboarding
- Their Expectations
- What their role is (and isn’t).
- The meeting schedule and time commitment.
- Their Term of Service
- Two Years for new board members.
(See Job Description)
- (Optional) Trial Period - 2-3 Meetings before committing to a 2-year term.
- Approval
- Discuss and make a decision via email on whether or not to add the candidate to the board.
- Discuss and make a decision at the next board meeting on whether or not to add the candidate to the board.
After reviewing the Interview Synopsis, the Development Board will either: